[Photo Credit: By IowaPolitics.com - Trump executive Michael Cohen 013, CC BY-SA 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=65873934]

Former Trump Staffers Claim Cohen Lied During Hush Money Testimony

On Thursday, at least two former employees of former President Donald Trump, either in the White House or on the campaign trail, stated their belief that ex-Trump attorney Michael Cohen lied under oath.

Cohen, who has spent the last two days testifying against Trump in his Manhattan hush-money trial, allegedly misled under oath to the court when he stated he did not wish to work for the Trump White House, according to both Bryan Lanza and Alyssa Farah Griffin.

Former Trump-Pence campaign deputy communications director Lanza confirmed to Jake Tapper of CNN that he was personally informed of Cohen’s aspiration to secure a position in the White House.

“[A]t least to me, Michael Cohen was pretty adamant that he wanted to be White House counsel. He said everything he was doing was to be White House counsel, he’s always injected himself with the space that I was in, which was the TV space, because Trump cared a lot about it. Just so, I always viewed that he’s always positioning, and he was pretty clear that he wanted to be White House counsel,” Lanza said.

Alyssa Farah Griffin subsequently joined Tapper for a segment in which she stated that although she had not personally observed Cohen express his desire to work in the White House, it was a closely guarded secret.

Griffin further expressed that although she desired for Trump to be convicted, she was unable to do so on the basis of Cohen’s testimony.

“I was working for a number of Republican lawmakers at that time, several of whom would go into the administration, including Mick Mulvaney as OMB director, and it was widely known and believed. Now, Michael Cohen never told me firsthand, ‘I’m going into the White House, I want to.’ But it was widely discussed that he was angling for Attorney General or to be White House counsel. That’s, I mean, there’s dozens and dozens of people around Washington who could corroborate that. My jaw hit the floor when I heard him denying that.” Griffin said.

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