[Photo Credit: By Terry Ballard from Merrick, New York, USA - Book, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=80880770]

Rachel Maddow Says She’s Afraid Donald Trump Will Put Her in ‘A Camp’ During His Second Term

On Monday, MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow expressed apprehension regarding the potential for internment in a “camp” in the event that former President Donald Trump secures a second term in the White House this November.

In Monday’s Reliable Sources newsletter, CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy inquired about Maddow’s apprehensions regarding being singled out during a second Trump administration.

“Trump and his allies are openly talking about weaponizing the government to seek revenge against critics in media and politics, with some of his extremist allies even talking about jailing their fellow Americans. You’re one of his most notable critics on television. Are you worried that you could be a target?” Darcy asked Maddow.

“I’m worried about the country broadly if we put someone in power who is openly avowing that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people, and to ‘root out’ what he’s described in subhuman terms as his ‘enemy from within.’ Again, history is helpful here. He’s not joking when he says this stuff, and we’ve seen what happens when people take power proclaiming that kind of agenda.” Maddow responded.

“I think there’s a little bit of head-in-the-sand complacency that Trump only intends to go after individual people he has already singled out. Do you really think he plans to stop at well-known liberals?” she continued.

“It also seems pretty clear that some people in politics might think they’ll be on the safe side — that they might even benefit from it — if they side with Trump. Ask Mike Pence about how that works out in the end.” Maddow added.

“When Trump invokes the Insurrection Act to deploy the U.S. military against civilians on his first day in office, do you think he then rescinds the order on day two?” she concluded.

In August, Maddow, who is one of the most prominent anti-Trump voices on cable news, asserted that Trump could become “president for life” if he were to win a second term in the White House.

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