[Photo Credit: By Office of President Joe Biden - [1], Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=132298013]

Far-Left Democrat Slams Biden for New Border Policy

On Tuesday, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), the Chair of the House Progressive Caucus, reportedly criticized President Joe Biden for substantially restricting asylum access to migrants who enter the country legally.

Jayapal compared Biden’s border policies to those of Donald Trump.

As the border story unfolded, Sandra Smith, the anchor of Fox News, interviewed Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and requested Jordan’s perspective on Jayapal’s statement.

“A few months before an election, perhaps this administration and the Biden campaign is seeing polls like this. This is his approval numbers. Biden on border security. This is a Fox News poll released on May 16th. When asked, do you approve or disapprove of the way the president has handled border security? He has a low approval rating of 33%, 64% disapproval rating, and he’s not even making those on the left happy, including Congresswoman Jayapal,” Smith said before playing a clip of Jayapal.

“What’s happening at the border can not be solved by enforcement actions only. They what it really needs is a modernization of the entire legal immigration system and legal pathways and resources to process people. Two things that Republicans have been completely unwilling to provide,” Jayapal is seen saying.

“When Donald Trump tried to shut down the border. It didn’t work. And I’m disappointed that the president has, you know, sort of gone into the same frame as Donald Trump at a very time when we need to make a distinction between Donald Trump and Joe Biden.” she continued.

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