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Bernie Sanders Tries to Downplay Genocidal Remarks From Rashida Tlaib

In an interview conducted over the weekend, socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) demanded that Israel cease its airstrikes against Hamas, following the terrorist group’s murder of over 1,400 Israelis last month.

Sanders said as much on Sunday while discussing the October 7 incident in an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash for “State of the Union.”

Despite the fact that Israel has been urging Palestinians to leave the region for more than three weeks and that Hamas exploits civilians as human shields, Sanders asserted that Israel was killing innocent civilians in Gaza.

Sanders voiced his displeasure over the hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who have lost their homes, but he did not address the roughly 250,000 Israelis who have also been uprooted by the terrorist attacks.

Next, Sanders was questioned concerning recent anti-Semitic comments made by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), particularly her use of the term “from the river to the sea,” which is widely regarded as a demand for Israel’s genocidal extermination across the political spectrum.

“President Obama just said the other day, I think, quite correctly — and we all got to deal with it — this is an enormously complex issue. And slogans like the river to the sea, if that means the destruction of Israel, that’s not going to work. People who are saying, Israel, right or wrong, we’re for you all the way, that’s not going to work. This is a horrendously complex issue. You have got a right-wing government in Israel which is racist.” Sanders said in response to Tlaib’s comments.

Sanders stated that the true concern was that Republicans refused to provide aid to the Palestinians, citing proof that such aid winds up in the hands of Hamas.

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