[Photo Credit: By Jwaugh3 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=96029061]

North Carolina Lt. Governor Endorses Trump

In a Friday speech, Lt. Governor of North Carolina Mark Robinson reportedly backed former President Donald Trump for the 2024 presidential election.

At the Washington, D.C., Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference, where numerous presidential contenders spoke, Robinson entered the stage to support Trump and was greeted by thunderous ovation.

“This nation needs a fighter, someone who is willing to go onto the world stage walking boldly, strongly, waving the American flag, saying, ‘The Americans are here, and we are in charge again and we are going to lead this world into the future with freedom.’ That is why, on this stage, today, I am endorsing Donald J. Trump.”

Earlier in June, Trump declared that he would support Robinson for governor.

When Robinson passionately defended the Second Amendment during a Greensboro City Council hearing in 2018, his life changed forever.

His speech’s viral video gained him a lot of publicity and thrust him into the national limelight.

Robinson made the decision to run for government based on his growing notoriety and popular support. He received the Republican nomination for North Carolina Lieutenant Governor in 2020.

His candidacy centered on supporting conservative ideologies such as lower taxes, smaller government, and the preservation of individual rights.

Mark Robinson was sworn in as North Carolina’s 35th lieutenant governor on January 1, 2021, making him the first African American to hold this position in the state’s history.

In his position, he has fought to advance economic development, improve education, and defend North Carolinians’ constitutional rights.

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