President Joe Biden delivers holds a press conference, Sunday, October 31, 2021, at the G20 leaders’ summit at La Nuvola Convention Center in Rome. (Official White House Photo by Adam Schultz)

Biden’s Approval Lower Than Any Other President at This Time in Presidency

Joe Biden’s approval rating is bad. It is so bad in fact, that it is the worst ever.

A new poll from Gallup shows that Joe Biden’s overall approval rating throughout his presidency is the lowest of any president ever polled in history, The Daily Wire reports.

The new approval rating for the 46th president is 38% which is the lowest of his presidency.

Even worse, Biden’s average approval rating over the first year and a half is the lowest in the polls 74-year history.

According to Gallup, Biden’s approval currently sits at 38%, with 59% disapproval, a record high disapproval. Furthermore, respondents had much stronger negative feelings than positive: 45% of respondents said they strongly disapproved of Biden’s presidency, compared to just 14% who moderately disapproved. Meanwhile, just 13% of respondents strongly approved of Biden, while 25% approved only moderately.

Biden also earned the lowest approval ratings of his presidency among independents, and even among his own party. Just 31% of independents approved of Biden’s presidency — a new low — while 63% disapproved. Among Democrats, Biden maintained a 78% approval rating, while 19% disapproved of him; however, that number tied the previous record-low among Democrats, a record he set in December. Just 5% of Republicans approved of Biden, while fully 95% disapproved.

“No president elected to his first term has had a lower sixth-quarter average than Biden,” Gallup noted, “although Jimmy Carter’s and Donald Trump’s ratings were only slightly better, at 42%. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan also averaged below majority approval.”

In comparison the leaders all poll above 60% in the poll at this time in their presidencies.

George W. Bush leads the pack with 75%, JFK is second at 71%, and Dwight D. Eisenhower and George H.W. Bush are tied at 65%.

And the future looks bleak, only one president has seen a seventh-quarter improvement, George H.W. Bush.

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