The Five, the longest-running top-rated program on cable news, has now reportedly experienced a significant increase in viewership since Donald...
Chris Wallace, the seasoned newscaster who departed Fox News after decades to join CNN’s brief streaming service, will now reportedly...
Even Democrats have seen enough of the medias’ attempts to lie. Bill Maher and Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin have called...
On Friday, CNN’s Harry Enten said Trump “could make history” and win the popular vote based on new metrics he...
After the former president arrived in Michigan to solicit the Arab-American vote, CNN political correspondent Kristen Holmes reportedly provided her...
Harry Enten, a senior political data correspondent at CNN, has reportedly noted that Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to...
Harry Enten, a senior data correspondent at CNN, stated on Monday that the Republican nominee, Donald Trump, is performing better...
Following the day’s speculation that he might withdraw from the gubernatorial campaign in response to an explosive CNN report, North...
The percentage of voters who trust Trump more on the economy reportedly increased from +16% to +20%, according to a...
On Thursday, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) repeatedly mispronounced Vice President Kamala Harris’s name on a CNN panel, resulting in a...
On Tuesday morning, CNN’s Harry Enten reportedly offered a warning to Democrats: despite Kamala Harris’ improved poll numbers, Donald Trump...
Amidst several ongoing changes at the cable news network, CNN is now permanently closing its opinion department. A person with...