[Photo Credit: By Office of the Governor of California - https://twitter.com/CAgovernor/status/1301193126535544833/photo/1, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=94037967]

Newsom Block Attempt by Far-Left Legislature to Ban Youth Football

Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom (D-California) has now officially quashed an idea to prohibit full-contact football for minors under the age of 12 in the state.

Assembly Bill 734, a proposition put forth by Kevin McCarty, a Democrat from Sacramento, California, escaped a committee vote of 5-2 last week and is presently awaiting consideration by the entire state Assembly and Senate.

The legislation aims to progressively prohibit tackling football for young individuals in California, commencing with those under the age of six in 2025, progressing to those under the age of ten in 2027, and ultimately encompassing all children under the age of twelve in 2029.

Although the moratorium on tackle football for children under the age of 12 gained some support among California Democrats, Newsom vehemently opposed the bill if it reached his desk on Tuesday.

This is the third attempt by McCarty to enact AB 734, which would prohibit tackle football for the state’s youth.

Newsom, in his statement announcing his position on the ban on full-contact football for children under the age of 12, cited steps he has already taken to advocate for higher junior football safety standards.

“California remains committed to building on the California Youth Football Act, which I signed in 2019, establishing advanced safety standards for youth football. This law provides a comprehensive safety framework for young athletes, including equipment standards and restrictions on exposure to full-contact tackles.” Newsom remarked.

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