[Photo Credit: By U.S. Customs and Border Protection - 210120-H-LE976-022, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=99110612]

Biden Secret Service Agents Open Fire After Robbers Try to Victimize Biden’s Granddaughter

Sunday morning, Secret Service personnel tasked with the protection of President Joe Biden’s granddaughter opened fire on assailants attempting to enter one of their unoccupied vehicles.

The unmarked Secret Service vehicle was breached into by three individuals while the agents were providing protection for Naomi Biden on her way to Georgetown.

An agent discharged gunfire at the individuals, but none of them were reportedly injured.

Police in Washington, D.C. have documented over 6,000 stolen vehicles and over 750 carjackings in 2023.

To combat the increase in carjackings and stolen vehicles, Mayor Muriel Bowser of the Democratic Party in Washington, D.C. has initiated a program that provides residents with tracking devices to assist in the recovery of their vehicles.

The municipality issued vehicle identification plates to inhabitants residing in high-crime areas to deter any potential theft.

So far no suspects have been named or apprehended in the incident.

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