[Photo Credit: by Gage Skidmore]

Trump Speaks Out in Wake of Murdoch Retirement

Former President Trump reportedly acknowledged Rupert Murdoch’s retirement on Friday. Murdoch is the outgoing chief of Fox and News Corp., and Trump has been feuding with him for months as he seeks to reclaim the White House in 2024.

Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader from Kentucky, was another right-wing opponent that Trump used the news to attack.

“Many people are saying that, ‘You forced Rupert Murdoch into retirement! I do not believe this is so, but while we’re at it, how about getting rid of ‘Democrat’ Mitch McConnell, who gives the Radical Left Lunatics, together with his small band of automatic ‘yes’ votes, EVERYTHING they want.” Trump announced on Truth Social.

One of the main tenets of Trump’s populist political rhetoric has been to portray Murdoch and McConnell as pillars of the so-called Republican establishment that the former president is aiming to overthrow.

Trump is currently the front-runner for the GOP’s presidential primary.

Murdoch will relinquish his position as chairman of Fox and News Corp. in November, leaving the reins to his eldest son Lachlan and taking a new position as chairman emeritus of both businesses, it was revealed on Thursday.

Murdoch has come under repeated criticism from Trump in recent months for what the former president claims is an effort by the media tycoon’s several powerful outlets to support his Republican rivals.

Trump cited his commanding lead in the majority of primary surveys and his tense relationship with the network as reasons for skipping the first GOP debate, which was hosted by and televised on Fox, last month.

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