Former Clinton Labor Secretary and economic transition advisory board member for Obama Robert Reich is now actively advocating to have Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) kicked out of the Democrat party.
Manchin recently informed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) that he would only support a reconciliation bill in August if it included lower prescription drug prices and a two-year extension on subsidies in the Affordable Care act, Fox News reports.
However, Manchin pushed back, saying he would wait until the July inflation numbers were out to make a decision on the tax hikes and climate change subsidies that he reportedly was a no on.
Reich is not happy with Manchin’s moderation and wants him gone.
Reich argues that the Democrats have “already lost control over the Senate” and nothing can be accomplished despite having power.
To fix that appearance with voters this fall Reich wants Manchin kicked out to give the appearance that they didn’t really have control of what was happening in the Senate.
Over the last two weeks West Virginians have contacted me more than 8,000 times with their opinions on Judge Kavanaugh and the questions they have for him, and when I met with him today, I asked him several of their questions. [Photo Cred: Office of Senator Joe Manchin]
Reich admits that Manchin has hampered Biden’s progressive agenda without mentioning that 50 others Senators join his opposition to it.
He goes on to write, “This is rich, in every sense of the word. Raising taxes on big American corporations and the wealthy would not fuel inflation. It would slow inflation by reducing demand — and do it in a way that wouldn’t hurt lower-income Americans. Manchin’s state is one of the poorest in America… but Manchin doesn’t seem to give a cluck. After all, the Democrat’s agenda — which Manchin just obliterated — included pre-K education, free community college, child subsidies, Medicare dental and vision benefits, paid family leave, elder care, and much else — all of enormous value to West Virginia.”
It is Reich’s view that Manchin is corrupt. And that corporate dollars and money from billionaires flows to the Senator from West Virginia, and that, not the insanity of the proposals, drives his decision making.
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